Radiotherapy for stage I Hodgkin's disease: 20 years experience at St Bartholomew's Hospital

One hundred and one consecutive patients with newly diagnosed stage I Hodgkin's disease (HD) received treatment at St Bartholomew's Hospital, between 1968 and 1987, with a median follow-up of 12 years. Eleven patients have been excluded from detailed analysis because they either received involved field radiotherapy (RT) or radiotherapy with chemotherapy or were lost to follow-up. Actuarial analysis predicts 78% to be alive and without relapse of Hodgkin's disease at 15 years. Ninety evaluable patients (clinical stage (CS) 24; pathological stage (PS) 66) received either mantle or inverted 'Y' RT and form the basis of this analysis. The median age was 33 years (63 men, 27 women). Histology at presentation was nodular sclerosing (39), lymphocytic predominant (27) or mixed cellularity (24). The presenting site was neck (78), axilla (6) groin (4) and mediastinum (2). Complete remission was achieved in all evaluable patients, the actuarial proportion in remission being 75% at 15 years. Factors predictive of a prolonged remission were pathological staging versus clinical staging (P = 0.02) and lymph node size less than 3 cm (P = 0.04). Actuarial overall survival in these 90 patients was 75% at 15 years and none of the above factors correlated with survival. Relapse of HD has occurred in 18 patients (5 within RT field, 10 without and 3 in both). Second remission was achieved in 15/18. The actuarial rate of second remission and survival was 40% at 10 years. Sixteen patients have died, 7 of Hodgkin's disease, 7 of unrelated causes and 2 of second malignancy. A further 3 patients who developed second malignancy are still alive. At 15 years the actuarial mortality related to HD was 12%. These results confirm the importance of long follow up to assess the efficacy of primary therapy.