Mucormycosis in Patients with Renal Failure

Nine fatal cases of systemic mucormycosis observed in association with renal failure are described. Four patients were hospitalized for chronic renal failure as a consequence of chronic glomerulonephritis, myeloma kidney, chronic pyelonephritis, and polycystic kidney disease, respectively; and five patients presented with acute renal failure. The underlying causes in three of these five patients were gentamycin nephrotoxicity, acute gastroenteritis, and allograft rejection, respectively, and in the remaining two, acute renal failure was the result of extensive renal vascular and parenchymal invasion by mucor hyphae. Tissue invasion with mucormycosis was documented during life in two patients and at autopsy in seven patients. The infection was disseminated in five patients, and isolated pulmonary and rhinocerebral involvement occurred in two patients each. Our observations have shown that patients with renal failure are prone to develop mucormycosis, which carries a grave prognosis if therapy is not instituted in time.