Twisted smectic A phases in side chain liquid crystal polymers

The syntheses of two side chain liquid crystal polymers, a polyacrylate and a polymethacrylate, are reported. In each of the polymers the liquid-crystalline side group carries an asymmetric carbon atom, thereby making some of the liquid crystal phases formed by the polymers optically active and chiral. For the chiral polyacrylate smectic A and chiral ferroelectric smectic C phases are observed, however for the chiral polymethacrylate a cholesteric phase is detected above the smectic A phase. It is found that the smectic A to cholesteric phase transition is mediated by the formation of an intermediary twisted smectic A phase. This intermediary phase is a liquid-crystalline analogue of the Abrikosov flux phase found in Type II superconductors.