Variation in size at birth and cigarette smoking during pregnancy

The influence of cigarette smoking during pregnancy and other familial factors on size at birth and gestation length is investigated among 458 births to 227 mothers living in a suburban community in the U.S. In this sample, 56% of the births were to mothers who reported not smoking during the pregnancy and 35% were to mothers who reported smoking 20 cigarettes or less. Multiple stepwise regression analysis was employed to examine the influence of cigarette smoking after statistical adjustment for such social and biological characteristics of the family as parents' sizes, education, income, and aspects of mother's reproductive history. After correction for significant social and biological characteristics, smoking status was a significant contributor to birth weight variation. In fact, cigarette smoking had the next‐largest partial correlation coefficient (r=−0.26) second to gestation length. Birth length is also negatively associated with cigarette smoking, though not so strongly as is birth weight. The reduction in birth lengths can be attributed to the reduction in birth weights. Gestation length was not associated with cigarette smoking in this sample. The analysis of collinearity between smoking status and the other independent variables indicates that the effect of smoking appears to be independent of interrelationships among the independent variables.

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