The effect of low doses of prednisone on the serum concentration of light chains, IgG, IgA and IgM in nineteen corneal transplanted patients was investigated. Prednisone in doses of 30 mg daily for 6 days had an instantaneous effect on the concentration of light chains resulting in a mean decrease of 16.5% in relationship to the pre-treatment values. Decrease in the prednisone dose to 15 mg daily was followed by normalization of the light chain concentration. The effect of prednisone on the IgG concentration was less pronounced and more delayed. A mean decrease for IgG of 9.0% of the pre-treatment values was found. Minimum IgG concentration was found 3 weeks later than the minimum for light chains. Differences in the metabolization rate of light chains and IgG is suggested as an explanation for this. The concentration of IgA and IgM was unchanged during treatment. Correlation between corneal rejection and changes in the level of light chains or IgG was not found.