A microscopic model for the analysis of voltage effects on ion-driven cotransport systems is described. The model is based on the notion that the voltage dependence of a given rate constant is directly related to the amount of charge which is translocated in the corresponding reaction step. Charge translocation may result from the movement of an ion along the transport pathway, from the displacement of charged ligand groups of the ion-binding site, or from reorientation of polar residues of the protein in the course of a conformational transition. The voltage dependence of overall transport rate is described by a set of dimensionless coefficients reflecting the dielectric distances over which charge is displaced in the elementary reaction steps. The dielectric coefficients may be evaluated from the shape of the experimental flux-voltage curve if sufficient information on the rate constants of the reaction cycle is available. Examples of flux-voltage curves which are obtained by numerical simulation of the transport model are given for a number of limiting cases.