Electron tunneling spectroscopy of single-crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8

The T-dependent conductance G(V,T) of evaporated Pb junctions on cleaved ab planes of Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8 (2:2:1:2) crystals is presented. Strong superconducting Gs(V,T) structures imply a large gap, approximately Δ0(0)=26 meV, or 2Δ0(0)/kB Tc=6.7. An analysis of G(V,T) near Tc, assuming a lifetime-broadened BCS Ns(E), reveals a broadening Γ(T) such that Δ(Tc)≊Γ(Tc)≊2kB Tc. The fitted Δ(Tc), unlike typical BCS values, is ≊0.8Δ(0). $G(V,T>T sub c )— has a minimum at V=0, suggestive of known c-direction localization in 2:2:1:2 compounds. G(V,T) also reveals the expected fluctuation superconductivity above Tc. 4.2-K scanning-tunneling-microscope (STM) spectra are mentioned in comparison. A larger gap, about 40 meV, and dip at 80 meV, found in the STM G(V) are tentatively attributed to CuO2 planes.