Ion Implantation Standards as a Spark Source Mass Spectrometric Surface Analysis Calibration Technique: The Analysis of B in Irradiated Zircaloy-2

Ion implantation standards were used to calibrate a spark source mass spectrometer (SSMS) near surface region analytical method. Standards were prepared by ion implanting 11B+ at 100 keV into Zircaloy-2 at doses in the 3 × 1015 to 3 × 1016 11B atoms/cm2 range. The analytical method was predicated on the idea that both standards and samples could be sparked in a SSMS under essentially identical and reproducible conditions. Calibration plots gave linear log-log results for plots of 11B+/122Sn+ versus B concentration in the standards. Calibration plots were determined on the basis of 5 to 6 replicate determinations for 3 different implant standard concentration levels. A series of irradiated Zircaloy-2 cladding samples were analyzed and shown to contain not more than 0.06 μg/cm2 total B in the near surface region.