Generalized Anhidrosis Associated with Hodgkin's Disease and Acquired Ichthyosis

The association of generalized eccrine anhidrosis and Hodgkin''s disease is described in a 51 year old White male who also exhibited acquired ichthyosis and widespread alopecia. The onset of the skin changes was coincident with the development of weight loss, general debility and a painless axillary mass which was histologically diagnostic of Hodgkin''s disease. The eccrine anhidrosis was confirmed by special sweating studies in which physiologic and pharmacologic stimulation failed to excite an eccrine response over virtually the entire skin surface. Biopsy specimens of representative skin areas failed to show lymphomatous infiltration but did reveal striking vacuolar degeneration of the eccrine secretory cells. The apocrine sweat glands were unaffected functionally and histologically.