Conformation of ethylene glycol dissolved in a nematic-lyotropic solution: An N.M.R. analysis

The conformation of ethylene glycol (EG) has been investigated by means of liquid crystal nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (LICRY-N.M.R.). The proton and 13C N.M.R. spectra were obtained from a quarternary solution of potassium laurate (KL), decanol, water and EG. These spectra were analysed to get the proton-proton and proton-carbon direct dipolar couplings. Spectra obtained from an aqueous solution have also been analysed. The experimental results were then used to investigate the conformational equilibrium of the molecule. It has been found that in the lyotropic liquid crystalline solution EG exists in a gauche conformation only, and that the value of the OC-CO dihedral angle is 72°.