Change of the Structure of Cell Wallβ-l,3-d-Glucan with the Growth ofNeurospora crassaCells

The chemical structure of cell wall β-d-glucans as well as the activities of lytic enzymes such as β-1,3-d-glucanase and β-1,6-d-glucanase changed during the growth of Neurospora crassa. A dramatic change in the cell wall β-d-glucan structure was observed between cells of the middle logarithmic phase and ones of the late logarithmic phase. The ratio of 1,3-linked glucose residues to non reducing terminal glucose residues decreased from 85 to 55 and the ratio of gentiobiose as a hydrolysis product with exo-β-1,3-d-glucanase increased significantly between the two phases. Two prominent peaks of β-1,3-d-glucanase as well as the β-1,6-d-glucanase activities appeared in the culture filtrate at different growth stages, the early logarithmic phase and the stationary phase. In the cell wall, β-d-glucosidase activity instead of the β-l,6-d-glucanase and β-1,3-d-glucanase activities was observed in the late logarithmic phase.

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