Radioimmunoassay of arginine vasopressin in human plasma and urine, a resin microcolumn method.

A new method was developed for the estimation of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in plasma and urine. Samples were extracted by a microcolumn of resin and assayed radioimmunologically using a highly sensitive antiserum to AVP. Ion-exchange resin, CG-50, H+ form, packed in a small column (diameter 4mm, height 6mm), was proved effective to remove the interfering substances and to concentrate the AVP in the sample. The application of 80% acid acetone successive to diluted HCl brought about a consistent recovery of AVP from the resin column. Recoveries were 66.4±8.5% for plasma and 85.4±9.7% for urine. In normal subjects plasma AVP levels were 3.9±0.3pg/ml (mean±S. D.) in ambulatory states, 4.9±0.6 after overnight fast, and 0.4±0.2 after water loading. High levels of 2.0-24.2pg/ml were obtained in patinents with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH), low values of 0-1.8 pg/ml in diabetes insipidus. Urinary excretions of AVP were 117.4±59.4ng/24hr (mean±s. D.) in normal controls, 191±177.0/24hr in SIADH, and 17.0±12.0/24hr in diabetes insipidus.