Use of The PPVT-R for Intellectual Screening with School-Aged Children: A Caution

The present investigation was undertaken to systematically evaluate the use of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R) as a general screening instrument for intellectual functioning with school aged children. The sample included 208 children, aged 6 years to 11 years 11 months, who were referred for evaluation. The PPVT-R correlated positively and significantly with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) Full Scale IQ (. 78), Verbal IQ(.79) and Performance IQ(.68). However, the mean PPVT-R standard score significantly underestimated the three mean WISC-R IQs. A cross-tabulation matrix revealed that 51% of the cases were correctly classified by the PPVT-R. Additionally, mean score comparisons within the discrete classification levels revealed that the PPVT-R underestimated the WISC-R Full Scale and Verbal IQs within the lower ability ranges, and overestimated the IQs within the upper ability ranges. Based upon these findings caution is advised when using the PPVT-R as a general screening instrument for intellectual functioning.