Accelerator Production ofB8Neutrinos

The B8 yield from the reaction Li6(He3,n)B8 has been measured from 8.9 to 26.5 MeV (lab) by counting the annihilation γ rays from the 0.762-sec positron decay of B8. The measurement was motivated by the negative results of the Davis solar neutrino experiment, and the consequent possible usefulness of direct tests of neutrino detection systems with neutrinos from the decay of B8. The present upper limit on the capture of solar neutrinos in Cl37 is 1 SNU, corresponding to a flux of 0.74 × 106 B8 neutrinos per cm2 sec. It was found that a He+3 current of 30 mA at 24 MeV is required to produce this B8 neutrino flux at a distance of 8 m from the target, indicating that the contemplated test is not impossible.

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