Complementary DNA (cDNA) specific for various regions of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (MSV) 124 RNA genome were prepared by cross-hybridization techniques. A cDNA specific for the first 1000 nucleotides adjacent to the RNA 3'' end (cDNA 3'') was prepared and was complementary to the 3''-terminal 1000 nucleotides of a related Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) genome. A cDNA complementary to the MSV-specific portion of the MSV 124 genome was prepared. This cDNA did not anneal to Moloney MLV RNA but annealed to a portion of the viral RNA of about 1500-1800 nucleotides in length, located 1000 nucleotides from the 3'' end MSV RNA. A cDNA common to the genome of MSV and MLV was also obtained and it annealed to the 5''-terminal two thirds, and to the 3''-terminal 1000 nucleotides of the MSV RNA genome. This cDNA also annealed to the RNA from MLV and mainly to the 5''-terminal half of the MLV genome. The 6-kilobase Moloney MSV 124 RNA genome has a sequence arrangement that includes a 3'' portion of about 1000 nucleotides, which is also present at the 3'' terminus of MLV; an MSV-specific region, not shared with MLV, which extends between 1000-2500 nucleotides from the 3'' terminus; and a 2nd common region, again shared with MLV, which extends from 2500 nucleotides to the 5'' terminus. This 2nd common region also appears to be located in the 5'' half of the 10-kilobase MLV genome. Experiments in which a large excess of cold MLV cDNA was annealed to 3H-labeled poly(A)-containing fragments of MSV RNA gave results consistent with this arrangement of the MSV genome.