Police officers' coping strategies: An Australian police survey

Police officers, in the performance of their duties, face a range of potentially stressful situations and events. These have the capacity to cause significant personal distress, leading to short — and long‐term changes in mood, psychological functioning and social activity. In response to the stresses of the job, officers must utilize any number of coping strategies to deal with their occupational stress. The aim of the present study was to examine the stress‐coping strategies used by a large sample of Australian police personnel. Responses to the Revised Ways of Coping Checklist showed that most officers utilize problem‐focused, direct action coping strategies, with more limited use of social supports, self‐blame and wishful thinking. While their coping behaviours may help them moderate problem‐focused stress concerns, the data suggest that many officers may not deal effectively with their emotion‐focused concerns. These data are examined in the light of the research literature detailing the so‐called police personality.