In 1953, Thomson and Marson described a case with fibromyomas of the uterus associated with polycythemia in which, after hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, the polycythemia rapidly disappeared. Initially, this patient had a red blood cell count of 7,600,000 per cubic millimeter, a hemoglobin level of 140 gm. per 100 cc, and a total blood volume of 7,286 cc. (Evans blue technique). After surgery, a normal hemoglobin level and red blood cell count became established and were maintained for the next 22 months. A similar observation is reported here to draw attention to this peculiar syndrome. REPORT OF CASE A 39-year-old married Negro housewife was first seen in the outpatient clinic on Feb. 20, 1953 with the chief complaint of severe headaches of many years' duration and blurring of vision. At that time, it was discovered that the patient's uterus was irregularly enlarged to the size of a 10 week pregnancy.