Compartmental organization of the thalamostriatal connection in the cat

The compartmental organization of the thalamostriatal connection in the cat was studied by labelling thalamic fibers in anterograde axonal transport experiments and comparing their striatal distributions with the arrangement of striosomes and matrix tissue identified by histochemical staining methods. When analyzed according to their principal compartmental targets in dorsal striatum, the thalamic deposits indicated the existence of medial and lateral divisions within the thalamostriatal projection. Nuclei of the medial division, which includes parts of the thalamic midline, projected primarily to striosomes. The lateral division, which embraces the anterior and posterior intralaminar groups, the rostral ventral tier nuclei, and parts of the posterior lateral nuclear complex, predominantly innervated matrix tissue. In the dorsal division of the nucleus accumbens, the medial system preferentially terminated in zones that stain heavily in butyrylcholinesterase and substance P preparations, but fibers from both the medial and the lateral systems largely avoided the histochemically marked compartments such as the border islands of the nucleus accumbens that are seen elsewhere in the ventral striatum. Medial division: Thalamic deposits involving the paraventricular and rhomboid nuclei of the thalamic midline elicited labelling of striosomes and, invariably, ventral extrastriosomal matrix, the nucleus accumbens, and the amygdala. This projection was topographically organized: rostral thalamic deposits elicited labelling in the medial caudate nucleus and the medial nucleus accumbens. More caudal injections produced more lateral labelling. Lateral division: The lateral division is composed of at least three projection systems distinguished by their patterns of matrix innervation. Deposits involving the anterior intralaminar nuclei and the striatally projecting cells located lateral to the stria medullaris (anterior intralaminar complex) produced an even, diffuse labelling of the matrix tissue and weak labelling of the striosomes. Injections placed in the ventroanterior, ventrolateral, and ventromedial nuclei (rostral ventral complex) elicited fibrous labelling of matrix tissue that often showed nonstriosomal inhomogeneities. Deposits involving the centromedian and parafascicular nuclei (posterior intralaminar complex) produced a highly variable pattern of matrix labelling that included both homogeneous and decidedly patchy innervations of the extrastriosomal matrix. Each of these lateral thalamostriatal systems showed a similar spatial organization, whereby dorsoventral and mediolateral thalamic axes were roughly preserved in the projection to striatum.