The impact of megakaryocyte proliferation for the evolution of myelofibrosis

A histological study on sequential bone marrow biopsies in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) was performed. We wished to answer the question as to whether a different content of megakaryopoiesis in the bone marrow of CML patients has a prognostic significance for the development of myelofibrosis during the course of disease. In addition, the significance of possible changes in the quantity of megakaryopoiesis in this process was assessed. In 186 patients who had no fibre increase at first diagnosis, the rate of subsequent myelofibrosis varied from 19% for the common or granulocytic subtype (CML.CT) to 40% for patients with features of megakaryocytic increase (CML.MI). No significant differences were found either in the rapidity of progression to fibrosis or in the final rate of osteomyelosclerosis. Whereas in CML.MI most patients (75%) showed an increase of fibres only, this was accompanied by an additional increase of megakaryocytes in CML.CT, changing the histological pattern from CML.CT to MI or MP, respectively. The data therefore revealed a correlation between fibre increase and subtyping of CML as suggested by the Hannover classification of chronic myeloproliferative diseases. Subtypes of CML with megakaryocytic increase could be shown to present a “pre-myelofibrotic” stage of disease and may therefore be conceived as a particular pathway of acceleration.