Cytometric and histopathologic features of tumors detected in a randomized mammography screening program: Correlation and relative prognostic influence

Cytometric determination of S-phase fraction and ploidy type was performed on 430 tumors detected within a randomized trial of mammographic screening. The results were compared to several histopathologic features. A high S-phase fraction was estimated in tumors with a high grade of malignancy and other histopathologic findings related to rapid tumor progression, including lack of tubule formation, a high mitotic index, marked nuclear pleomorphism, multifocal cancer growth, tumor emboli in lymphatic and blood vessels, tumor necrosis, and inflammatory reaction. DNA aneuploidy was correlated with a high malignancy grade, frequent mitoses, a high degree of nuclear pleomorphism, vascular invasion, necrosis, and the presence of noninvasive ductal carcinoma. Both cytometric variables were inversely related to the degree of elastosis. Positive nodes, large tumor size, DNA aneuploidy, a high S-phase fraction, high grade of malignancy, lack of tubule formation, as well as high mitotic index and pleomorphism, presence of multifocal cancer, and vascular invasion, predicted a significantly shorter distant recurrence-free interval after a median follow-up time of 46.6 months. Elastosis and the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors indicated favorable prognosis. In the multivariate analysis, only lymph node status, tumor size S-phase fraction, and multifocal growth pattern had independent prognostic value.