Search for muon-electron and muon-positron conversion

Limits on the lepton-flavor-violating reactions μ+Z→e+Z and μ+Z→e++(Z-2), muon-electron and muon-positron conversion, have been obtained from a search performed at TRIUMF using a time-projection chamber. Upper limits (90% C.L.) for the branching ratios compared to ordinary muon capture for a titanium target are R—(Ti)=Γ(μTi→eTi)/Γ(μTi capture)1012 and R+(Ti)=Γ(μTi→e+Ca*)/Γ(μTi capture)<.1.7 class="aps-inline-formula">1010 A smaller data set obtained using a lead target yielded R(Pb)1010. The implications of these results for extensions of the standard model which allow lepton-flavor violation are discussed.