The chromosomes controlling mutant characters were identified in 12 different strains of gamma-ray-induced mutants of Shinchunaga wheat, a Japanese cultured variety of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. vulgare (Vill.) Mackey), utilizing the monosomic and ditelosomic series of Chinese Spring. Speltoid mutants were due to the loss of a part or the whole of the long arm of chromosome 5A, or due to the loss of the whole chromosome. Compactoid-squareheaded mutants were caused by duplications or increased dosages of the long arm or the whole of this chromosome. Squareheaded mutants having no relationship with compactois were induced by the loss of the short arm of the same chromosome. Lax-spiked mutants were resulted from the nullisomic condition of chromosome 6D or of the loss of one of the 6D arm. Mutants implicating chromosome 5A were much more frequently detected than those involving any other chromosomes.