Comparative study of dentin adhesives

The marginal adaptation of Silux after application of different dentin adhesives was investigated in dentin cavities prepared in extracted human teeth. The cavity diameter ranged from 1.8-6.4 mm and the cavosurface angle was,, or The investigation included the adhesives Clearfil, Creation 1150, GLUMA [mixture of hydroxyethyl methacrylate and glutaraldehyde], NPG-GMA [p-mitrophenyl-.beta.-D-glucoside-glycerol metheonfate] + PMDM Palfique, Panavia, Scotchbond and Superbond. Silux Enamel Bond was used as control. The most effective adhesive was GLUMA followed by Superbond and then NPG-GMA + PMDM; Palfique, Panavia and Scotchbond were all less effective than NPG-GMA + PMDM, and boyh Clearfil and Creation 1150 were inferior to the control, Silux Enamel Bond. None of the adhesives were able to prevent the formation of marginal gaps when measured 10 min after polymerization. After water absorption for 1 day, only GLUMA and Superbond produced gapfree fillings. Increasing the cavosurfae angle resulted in a significant improvement of the effect of all adhesives, the main reasons for this being the reduced ratio volume of filling to area of cavity wall.