Scoping the Field: Identifying Key Research Priorities in HIV and Rehabilitation

The purpose of this project was to identify key research priorities related to HIV and rehabilitation. We conducted a scoping study which included a literature review of published and grey literature, followed by focus group and interview consultations with 28 participants including people living with HIV, researchers, educators, clinicians, and policy makers with expertise in HIV and rehabilitation. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify emergent themes related to research priorities in HIV and rehabilitation. The resulting Framework of HIV and Rehabilitation Research provided an outline for approaching research in the field. The framework included three overlapping research priorities: (a) living with HIV across the lifespan, (b) disability, and (c) rehabilitation that should be viewed through environmental and/or personal contextual lenses, using different methodological approaches. Six key research priorities from this framework were identified through additional consultation with new and returning participants including: (1) disability and episodic disability, (2) concurrent health conditions aging with HIV, (3) HIV and the brain, (4) labour force and income support, (5) access to and effectiveness of rehabilitation, and (6) development and evaluation of outcome measurement tools. These priorities inform a future plan for HIV and rehabilitation research that will increase our knowledge to enhance practice, programming and policy for people living with HIV.