The Germination of Avena fatua under Different Gaseous Environments

The atmosphere in which seeds germinate can profoundly affect the level of germination and dormancy. Seeds were germinated in atmospheres containing various concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen. At the same time the effect of light on these systems was examined.The germination of partially dormant populations of wild oat seed is inhibited by white light. This response to light is most apparent when the curyopsis is enclosed in the pales.Investigations into the effect of the ambient atmosphere on germination have indicated that, while oxygen is a necessary factor in the germination of tliis species, carbon dioxide also has an effect. A lack of carbon dioxide increases the degree of light inhibition of germination; 3 per cent carbon dioxide (by volume) allows germination in light; 20 per cent carbon dioxide inhibits germination in light and darkness at all tested oxygen concentrations.