
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current incidence of circumcision, the reasons governing parental decisions regarding circumcision, the immediate and later complications from the procedure, as well as genital problems occurring in uncircumcised boys. The incidence of circumcision was found not to have changed over the past five years despite the recommen dations of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision. The reasons given for circumcision reflected mostly the strength of tradition, rather than a medical approach. Four per cent of newborns experienced early complications from the procedure, whereas 13 per cent experienced later, minor complications. Problems reported in uncircumcised infants were probably variants of normal. While the results of this study add evidence for discontinuing neonatal circumcision, we strongly recommend that, if physicians dissuade parents from having their infants circumcised, they must give adequate information concerning hygiene and the slow, natural separation of the foreskin from the glans.