Projection of the Vestibular Nerve to the S I Arm Field in the Cerebral Cortex of the Cat

Evoked cortical focal potentials from electrical vestibular nerve stimulation were recorded in the Pcd-area in cats anaesthetized with Chloralose or Nembutal. For comparison, additional cortical projections were located for n. rad. superficialis and group la muscle affer-ents from n. rad. prof., n. fibularis prof., n. femuralis ramus muscularis and the motor nerve to the trapezoid muscle. Surface positive potentials, which reversed to negativity in middle cortical layers, were for vestibular nerve stimulation recorded in the S I forelimb field in a small area close to Pcd in the posterior medial part of the deep radial nerve projection field. The location of this field is compared with the vestibulo-cortical projections described earlier for rodents, squirrel monkey, and rhesus monkey. The histology shows that the field was within the cytoarchitectonic 3a area.