The effect of codon usage on the oligonucleotide composition of the E.coli genome and identification of over-and underepresented sequences by Markow chain analysis

As shown in the accompanying paper (5), the oligonudeotide composition of the E. coli genome is highly asymmetric for sequences up to 6 bp in length when ranked from highest to lowest abundance. We show here that this largely reflects codon usage because heavily used codons were found in the highly abundant oligomers whereas rarely used codons, with some exceptions, occurred in sequences in low abundance. Furthermore, linear regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between the frequencies of each trinucleotide and its usage as a codon. Dinucleotides are also not randoo-ly distributed across each codon position and the dinucleotide composition of genes that are transcribed but not translated (rRNA and tRNA genes) was highly related to that seen in genes encoding polypeptides. However, 45 tetra-, 8 penta-, and 6 hexanucleotides were significantly over- or underabundant by Markov chain analysis and could not be accounted for by codon usage. Of these underrepresented sequences, many were palindromes, including the Dam methylation site