Catabolism of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid to CO2 by Etiolated Barley Leaves

The in vivo oxidation of the C4 and C5 of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to CO2 has been studied in etiolated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Larker) leaves in darkness. The rate of 14CO2 evolution from leaves fed [4-14C]ALA is strongly inhibited by aminooxyacetate, anaerobiosis, and malonate. The rate of 14CO2 evolution from leaves fed [5-14C]ALA is also inhibited by these treatments but to a lesser extent. These results suggest that (a) one step in ALA catabolism is a transamination reaction and (b) the C4 is oxidized to CO2 via the tricarboxylic acid cycle to a greater extent than is the C5.