THERE EXIST only few and rather contradictory data regarding possible projections of the nonacoustic inner ear to subcortical areas cranial to the oculomotor nuclei. In dogs in whom one of us (E. A. S.) had produced circumscribed lesions of the vestibular nuclei, Whitaker and Alexander traced ascending Marchi degenerations in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) not only to the oculomotor nuclei but also to the nucleus of the posterior commissure and the nucleus interstitialis of Cajal, to the nucleus ruber and to nuclei of the medial thalamus (nucl. medialis C, nucl. proprius tractus Meynerti, nucl. filiformis and nucl. paraependymalis). These fibers seemed to originate in all parts of the vestibular nuclei; the fibers from the nucl. triangularis and Bekhterev chiefly reached the homolateral red nucleus; those from the nucleus Deiters and nucleus tractus spinalis vestibularis were chiefly connected with the contralateral red nucleus. Besides a conduction in the lateral part