Diiodopentafluoroethylphosphine and iodobispentafluoroethylphosphine have been prepared. Reaction of these compounds with silver chloride and silver cyanide leads to replacement of the iodide to give chloro and cyano phosphines. Reaction of RPI2 (R = CBF5, C3F7) with mercury gives the cyclic phosphine (PR)4,5. Conversion of (PC2F5)5 into(PC2F5)4 occurs irreversibly a t room temperature on standing for several days and can be followed by n.m.r. No analogous rearrange- ment was found for (PC3F7)5. Both 31P and 19F n.m.r. spectra for the cyclic phosphine are discussed and compared with those for (PCF3)4,5.