Comparative recovery of Streptococcus mutans on ten isolation media

The ability of Streptococcus mutans (Bratthall serotypes a through e) to grow on 10 isolation media was examined. The number and morphology of the colonies were observed to vary on different media. The use of blood-sucrose media consistently produced the highest recoveries. Mitis salivarius agar (MS) and higher recovery values than modified medium 10 (MM10SB), Trypticase-yeast extract-cystine medium (TYC), or MS with 1% tellurite (MST). MST with 40% sucrose (MS40S), MST with 20% sucrose and 0.2 U of bacitracin per ml (MSB), and Carlsson medium with 1% sulfasoxazole (MC), media formulated for the selection of S. mutans, were the most inhibitory for all serotypes. The morphology of several S. mutans strains was atypical on MC and MS40S, making positive identification difficult. Absence of growth of serotype a strains on MSB and serotype d strains on MC were the two major differences observed among the serotypes. Results are discussed in terms of the difficulties in making quantitative determinations from cultural data.