Analysis of lethal mutations induced in a mutator strain that activates transposable elements in Caenorhabditis elegans

A screen was conducted for lethal mutations in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in a strain containing the mutator mut-4(st700)I to examine the nature of mutator-induced lethal mutations within two large chromosomal regions comprising a total of 49 map units (linkage group IV (right) and linkage group V (left)). The genetic analysis of 28 lethal mutations has revealed that the mutator locus mut-4(st700)I causes both putative single-gene mutations and deficiencies. We have identified lethal mutations in three different genes, in addition to seven deficiencies. There is a mutational hot spot on linkage group V (left) around the lin-40 locus. Six mutations appear to be alleles of lin-40. In addition, 5 of 7 deficiencies have breakpoints at or very near lin-40. All seven deficiencies delete the left-most known gene on linkage group V (left) and thus appear to delete the tip of the chromosome. This is in contrast to gamma ray and formaldehyde induced deficiencies, which infrequently delete the closest known gene to the tip of a chromosome.Key words: Caenorhabditis elegans, mutator, deficiencies, lethal mutations.