Biased distribution of adenine and thymine in gene nucleotide sequences

We analyzed occurrences of bases in 20,352 introns, exons of 25,574 protein-coding genes, and among the three codon positions in the protein-coding sequences. The nucleotide sequences originated from the whole spectrum of organisms from bacteria to primates. The analysis revealed the following: (1) In most exons, adenine dominates over thymine. In other words, adenine and thymine are distributed in an asymmetric way between the exon and the complementary strand, and the coding sequence is mostly located in the adenine-rich strand. (2) Thymine dominates over adenine not only in the strand complementary to the exon but also in introns. (3) A general bias is further revealed in the distribution of adenine and thymine among the three codon positions in the exons, where adenine dominates over thymine in the second and mainly the first codon position while the reverse holds in the third codon position. The product (A1/T1) × (A2/T2) × (T3/A3) is smaller than one in only a few analyzed genes.