Three-year relapse-free survival rates in childhood rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck: Report from the intergroup rhabdomyosarcoma study

In 202 patients with rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck who registered in the first Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study, the primary lesions arose about the eye and orbit in 26%, in parameningeal sites in 46%, and in other head and neck areas in 28%. Histopathologically, 78% were embryonalbotryoid, 9% alveolar, 10% undifferentiated, and 3% extraosseous Ewing's types. Actual three-year relapse-free survival rates were calculated from data on 103 of these patients who were free of distant metastases at diagnosis and in whom follow-up had been completed for a three-year period. The actual relapse-free survival rates were 91% (21/23) for those with eye/orbit primaries, 46% (20/44) for those with parameningeal primaries, and 75% (27/36) for those with other head and neck sites affected. Among those with no clinical evidence of tumor activity at two years, 8% (6/75) had subsequent relapses.