Comparison of early performance indicators for screening projects within the European Breast Cancer Network: 1989–2000

In 1989 the European Breast Cancer Network (EBCN) was established by the first pilot projects for breast cancer screening, co-funded by the Europe Against Cancer programme. We report early performance indicators for these EBCN projects while taking into account their organizational setting. Out of 17 projects in the network, 10 projects from six European countries contributed aggregated data on number of invitations, screening examinations, and breast cancers detected over the period 1989–2000. Results were summarized separately for projects in centralized versus decentralized health care environments. The European Guidelines for quality assurance in mammography screening provided reference values for the performance indicators. The most prominent finding in this study was the higher participation rate in centralized versus decentralized projects (average participation in 1998: 74 versus 33%; P