Hyperparasitism of Uromyces appendiculatus var. appendiculatus by Verticillium lecanii Host Recognition, Penetration and Degradation of Spores Culture filtrates of the hyperparasite Verticillium lecanii contain numerous lytic enzymes. When specific substrates were added to the filtrate, degradation of chitin is increased by a factor of 2,25 and degradation of starch is increased by a factor of 1,5. The degradation of uredo‐ and teliospores of Uromyces appendiculatus var. appendiculatus is documented cytologically. Appressoria‐like structures initiated direct penetration of the spore walls. Additional routes of penetration through the germpores of both sporetypes and the pedicles of the teliospores were observed. Degradation of the spore cytoplasm is described. Sugars on the surface of uredo‐ and teliospores and on hyphae of the hyperparasite were characterized using the gold‐marked lectins Con A and WGA. Their role in the host‐parasite recognition process is discussed.