Qualitative Data Analysis: Can Computers Do It?

Qualitative data analysis contains built-in constraints - on volume of records, complexity of analysis, detail of classification and ability to explore emergent theory. Those constraints, rarely acknowledged, conflict with goals central to the method. The article describes one response, a system for computer-aided indexing, searching and analysis of unstructured data. Designed to replicate and go beyond methods special to qualitative data analysis, it uses the speed, power and memory of the computer to overcome constraints. It allows storage and exploration of any quantity of text or other data and any volume of information about it. Text and indexing information are stored separately in ways that permit immediate retrieval of material in any indexing category or combination of categories, exploration of that material by combinations of category, characteristics of respondents, settings or files, and examination of the interplay of themes by synthesis of new concepts abstracted from index and file data.