Specific Effect of Guanidine in the Programming of Poliovirus Inhibition of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis

Inhibition of HeLa cell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, which occurred by the 4th to 5th hr after infection with poliovirus, could be blocked completely by guanidine only when it was present before the 2nd hr. At the 2nd hr, there was no significant ribonucleic acid (RNA)-replicase activity, and addition of guanidine inhibited all production of virus but allowed 57% of maximal DNA inhibition to develop. Maximum DNA inhibition developed in cells infected for 4 hr in the presence of guanidine when the guanidine was removed for a 10-min interval. RNA-replicase activity was not enzymatically detectable and viral multiplication did not develop in these cells unless the interval without guanidine was extended to 60 min. The interpretation of the data was that the effect of guanidine on viral-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis was distinct and not a consequence of the inhibition of RNA-replicase.