1. The representation of the retinocentric visual field within the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) was assessed electrophysiologically by recording multicellular responses from anesthetized pigmented rats. Separate experiments examined the representation through either the contralateral or ipsilateral eye along the dorsoventral, mediolateral, and rostrocaudal dimensions of the nucleus. 2. The crossed projection displays an orderly representation of the visual field, mapping eccentricities out to 100 degrees from the optic disk. There is, however, a marked absence of eccentricities greater than 60 degrees representing upper nasal visual space. The uncrossed projection also displays an orderly representation of the visual field but is limited in extent to upper nasal visual space at far eccentricities of 50-90 degrees. 3. The ipsilateral projection, which represents far eccentric upper nasal visual space, occupies a region in the contralateral representation corresponding with upper nasal visual space at reduced eccentricity. It is these two regions that are considered binocularly conjugate: the temporal crescent of each eye with another crescent (the conjugate central crescent) lying between the optic disk and the temporal crescent of the opposite eye. It is suggested that the crossed and uncrossed representations are aligned in the dLGN so that projection lines for discrete regions of the binocular visual field course through the nucleus from rostroventral to caudodorsal. Although the dLGN of the rat lacks the cytoarchitecturally distinct laminae associated with the regions of afferent input from each eye, as is seen in the primate and cat dLGN, the organizing principle of apposing the representation of the visual field through each eye is similar.