Personality and Smoking Behavior

Investigated the relationship between selected personality measures and the inttiation and maintenance of smoking behavior . The Etsenck Personalirr Questionnaire / EPQ / . the State- Trait Personalih, lnventory ISTPII and a Smoking Behavior Questionnaire were administered to 955 students (603 females : 352 malesl . Smokers had significantly higher scores than Nonsmok- ers on the EPQ Extraversion . Neuroticism and Psychoticism scales . and lower scores on the Lie Scale. Female Smokers had higher STPI Trait Anxiety scores than Noncmokers, whereas male Smokers had lower anxiety scores than Nonsmokers . Female Current Smokers had lower Neu- roticism and Trait Anxiety scores than Occasional and Ex-Smokers . and Ex-Smokers of both sexes had higher scores on the STPI Trait Curiosity scale than Current and Occasional Smokers . It was concluded that the initiation and maintenance of smoking behavior are influenced by dd- ferent personality factors .

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