An Approach to the Antigenic Structure of Arginine Kinase and Creatine Kinase

The antigenic structure of arginine kinase and creatine kinase has been approached using chemical modifications and enzymatic cleavage. Mild performic oxidation that, with a restricted number of oxidized amino acid residues, results for both enzymes in a severe decrease of the helical structure and in a large increase of the protein-solvent interactions, affects differently their antigenic reactivity: when compared with antisera to the homologous native enzymes, arginine kinase and its oxidized derivative cross-react fully, while creatine kinase and its oxidized derivative cross-react only about 30%. The persistence of the antigenic reactivity of arginine kinase through drastic structural alterations is confirmed by the high inhibitory capacity (about 80%) of crude tryptic hydrolyzates towards the combination of argining kinase with its specific antibodies. Tryptic peptides of creatine kinase, obtained in the same conditions, inhibit weakly (about 12%) the homologous antigen-antibody interaction. The participation of the lysines in the antigenicity of arginine kinase and creatine kinase is suggested by the enhanced inhibitory capacity of the tryptic hydrolyzates when the cleavage is restricted to the arginyl peptide bounds, and was verified for arginine kinase through assays with lysine-modified derivatives.