Primitive erythropoiesis in chick embryogenesis. III. Effect of FUdR on Hb synthesis

A single hematocytoblast in the yolk sac of the chick embryo has been shown previously to give rise on the average to a clone of 128 erythrocytes. Furthermore, in any given generation the erythroid cell synthesizes a characteristic amount of hemoglobin (Hb). In these experiments day 4 embryos were treated with FUdR for 12 hours, and then reversed with thymidine. We have monitored both the passage of these erythroblasts through the cell cycle, and the effect of this perturbation on the Hb content of single cells. As a result of this disruption the amount of Hb synthesized in a given generation can be varied, but the final amount of Hb/cell in the mature erythrocyte is the same as in the untreated controls. Apparently the total amount of the Hb/cell does not in itself influence the passage of the cell through the cycle. The coefficients of variation of the Hb values in the mature erythrocytes from both normal an perturbed embryos are similar.