The So-Called GenusCandidaBerkhout, 1923

Candida Berkhout includes heterogeneous species. Auxanographic methods are necessary for identification of spp. True hereditary changes occur in species of Candida. Some of these may correspond to the "R" form of bacteria ("membranous"), some to "lethal races." Ascot spores were found in C. krusei, the perfect form of which must be included in the genus Pichia. Candida tropicalis is an important species. C. intermedia is not a synonym of C. tropicalis. C. pelliculosa is a Torulopsis. C. ftareri is a white variant of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. C. albicans and C. stellatoidea produce true mycelium and characteristic chlamydospores. Both produce "membranous" variants. Neogeotrichum pulmoneum is a synonym of C. suaveolens but the name has been applied to heterogeneous species. Syringospora Quinquad is the first validly published namefor these yeast-like fungi. Some spp., as C. albicans, C. stellatoidea, and C. parakrusei, are parasites with a normal-habitat on mucous membranes; others, as C. krusei, C. tropicalis and C. chalmersi, are saprophytes outside the human body.