Charge Disproportionation inRNiO3Perovskites: Simultaneous Metal-Insulator and Structural Transition inYNiO3

Neutron and synchrotron diffraction data provide the first observation of changes in the crystal symmetry at the metal-insulator transition in RNiO3 perovskites. At high temperatures, YNiO3 is orthorhombic and metallic but below TMI=582K it changes to a monoclinic insulator due to a charge disproportionation (2Ni3+Ni3+δ+Ni3δ) that develops at the opening of the gap. We report the presence of two alternating NiO6 octahedra with expanded (Ni1) and contracted (Ni2) Ni-O bonds and a magnetic structure [k=(1/2,0,1/2)] with unequal moments at Ni1 and Ni2 octahedra.