Prostatic Involvement by Transitional Cell Carcinoma: Pathogenesis, Patterns and Prognosis

Prostatic involvement by human transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder includes a spectrum of histologic patterns. Ductal only or ductal and acinar involvement occurs with or without stromal invasion. Stromal invasion may exist without glandular involvement. Invasive prostatic patterns are most frequent in the setting of high stage invasive bladder tumors and 5 yr survival rates for these patients are low. Non-invasive in situ prostatic patterns are usually associated with low stage bladder tumors and 5 yr survival approaches that predicted from radical cystectomy for low stage bladder tumor alone. When an invasive pattern is associated with a low stage bladder tumor the 5 yr survival rate is determined by the prostatic lesion and is low. Although the survival rate is severely jeopardized by stromal prostatic invasion the prognosis is not hopeless. Preoperative radiotherapy followed by cystoprostatourethrectomy can be expected to produce a 20% 5 yr survival rate.