SUMMARY: The fungicides benomyl and captafol separately were tank mixed with each of the insecticides decis (decamethrin), permethrin, and cypermethrin (synthetic pyrethroids) and nuvacron (monocrotophos). The mixtures were tested as foliar sprays at three spraying regimes to protect cow-pea plants against pod and foliar diseases and insect pod borers.Two sprays, 1·5 kg a. i. /ha of benomyl mixed with 0·75 kg a. i. /tia of monocrotophos at 35 and 49 days after planting, gave the best control of brown blotch, web blight, Cercospora leaf spot and the pod borer, Maruca testulalis. This regime also gave the highest grain yield for two consecutive years. The mixtures were not phytotoxic. Interactions between the test fungicides, insecticides and spraying regimes in relation to disease and pest control and yields are discussed.