Antithrombin III Alger: A New Homozygous AT III Variant

A qualitative abnormality of antithrombin III (AT III) was found in the plasma of a 41-year old patient. The plasmatic AT III antigen concentration was 130% and the progressive anti-F IIa and anti-F Xa activities were normal (105% and 137%). The plasma heparin cofactor activity was less than 10%, when measured by F Ila or F Xa inhibition. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis of AT III in the presence of heparin revealed in the plasma an abnormal slow-moving peak. When tested by affinity chromatography on heparin Sepharose, this abnormal AT III did not bind to heparin. Among the investigated relatives, 5 subjects had normal AT III levels, whatever the test used, the nine others having reduced levels of antithrombin heparin cofactor activity (45-61%) but normal levels of immunoreactive AT III (97-122%). Consanguinity was found in the family history. We therefore considered our patient as homozygous for an AT III molecular abnormality affecting the binding site for heparin.