Design Sketches For Optical Crossbar Switches Intended For Large-Scale Parallel Processing Applications

This paper discusses design of large-scale (1000x 1000) optical crossbar switching networks for use in parallel processing supercom-puters. Alternative design sketches for an optical crossbar switching network are presented using free-space optical transmission with either a beam spreading/masking model or a beam steering model for internodal communications. The performances of alternative multiple access channel communications protocol-unslotted and slotted ALOHA and carrier sense multiple access (CSMA)-are compared with the performance of the classic arbitrated bus crossbar of conventional electronic parallel computing. These comparisons indicate an almost inverse relationship between ease of implementation and speed of operation. Practical issues of optical system design are addressed, and an optically addressed, composite spatial light modulator design is presented for fabrication to arbitrarily large scale. The wide range of switch architecture, communications protocol, optical systems design, device fabrication, and system performance problems presented by these design sketches poses a serious challenge to practical exploitation of highly parallel optical interconnects in advanced computer designs.

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