Bacterial Adhesion under Static and Dynamic Conditions

The deposition of various pseudomonads and coryneform bacteria with different hydrophobicities (water contact angles) and negative cell surface charges on negatively charged Teflon and glass surfaces was investigated. The levels of deposition varied between 5.0 × 104 and 1.6 × 107 cells cm-2 and between 5.0 × 104 and 3.6 × 107 cells cm-2 for dynamic column and static batch systems, respectively, indicating that there was a wide variation in physicochemical interactions. Batch and column results were compared in order to better distinguish between hydrodynamic and other system-dependent influences and method-independent physicochemical interactions. Despite the shorter suspension-solid contact time in columns (1 h) than in batch systems (4 h), the level of deposition (expressed as the number of cells that adhered) divided by the applied ambient cell concentration was 4.12 ± 1.63 times higher in columns than in batch sytems for 15 of 22 strain-surface combinations studied. This demonstrates that transport of microbial particles from bulk liquid to surfaces is more efficient in dynamic columns (transport dominated by convection and diffusion) than in static batch systems (transport by diffusion only). The relative constancy of this ratio for the 15 combinations shows that physicochemical interactions affect adhesion similarly in the two systems. The deviating deposition behavior of the other seven strain-surface combinations could be attributed to method-dependent effects resulting from specific cell characteristics (e.g., to the presence of capsular polymers, to an ability to aggregate, to large cell sizes, or to a tendency to desorb after passage through an air-liquid interface). Images